Sub: Dealer Excellence Programme Booklet
Page 15 : Under Sales Reporting, line no. 5 'Annexure VI' should be
inside the bracket.
After correction, please go ahead printing 150 Nos.
Paper quality will be as per last year's.
Larsen & Toubro Limited
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>>> Chandan Bera, PSD, PRO, Bangalore 05/10/2009 12:59 PM >>>
Dear Sir:
a) In the Dealer Incentive Booklet - Page:15; Under Sales Reporting,
Kindly put the word "Annexure VI" inside a bracket.
We also noticed that there are too many pages for "Notes". One page is
enough for each booklet.
Rest are all ok and ready for printing. Kindly arrange to print 150 Nos
of copies.
b) Table names are found correct and ready for printing.
Larsen & Toubro Limited
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from your system.
>>> Subash Vishwanathan 10/5/2009 12:18 PM >>>
Final proof of
a) Dealer Incentive Booklet
b) Table Names
Please go through and confirm whether they are ok.
As we have to place print order, please mention the quantity of Dealer
Incentive booklet requirement.
Larsen & Toubro Limited
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intended recipient (s) If you are not the intended recipient, please do
not use or disseminate the information, notify the sender and delete it
from your system.
>>> "Kini" <> 05/10/2009 11:49 AM >>>
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