Monday, February 15, 2010

ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund - Account Statement

This message is for Govardan Kini K  , Folio No. 2697800  Dear Investor   We thank you for transacting with ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.   Please find attached Statement of account showing details of the transaction with ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund which now comes in a password protected PDF format. Feel free to view this file, save it for future reference if need be.    You will require an 8 character password to open this file.   Your password is a combination of the first 4 letters of your name (in lower case) as it appears above and the last 4 digits of your Bank account number. Please ignore spaces & special characters in the name and / or bank account number (if any).  For example,  If your name as specified above is   Aditya Roshan and your Bank Account number is  0040 9 XXX XXXX 0862, then your password will be adit0862  If your name as specified above is A.Roshan and your Bank Account number is  0040 9 XXX XXXX 0862, then your password will be aros0862.  For any further assistance, kindly contact our customer service Toll Free Numbers 1800222999 MTNL/BSNL) / 18002006666 (Other Service Providers) or write to us on   Please reveiw the statement carefully.  If there are any discrepancies, please write to us at  or contact us at Toll Free No. 1800 200 6666 / 1800 222 999 (MTNL / BSNL) within 30 days from the date of receipt of this statement.  Thank you once again for investing in ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.  Assuring of our best services, always.    CAMS, Chennai.    Risk Factors : Please be aware that there is a risk that Account Statements requested via email can be intercepted by hackers while en-route to your mailbox, or seen by unauthorised individuals if your inbox security is inadequate.

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