To enable you to view your tax credit statement (Form 26AS) online, the Income Tax Department is undertaking a one time exercise to auto register you for this facility.
You may recall that on earlier occasion Form 26AS has been forwarded to you on same email id.
You are requested to click on the below link to confirm that you wish to avail the auto-registration facility for online view of Form 26AS
Auto registration facility
- Auto registration facility will be provided for a limited period of time where a user can register free of cost to view Form 26AS (tax credit statement) online.
- On confirmation an email containing login details will be forwarded in a password protected pdf file to this email id.
- You can login at the NSDL-TIN website with the user id / password to view Form 26AS online.
- On first login you will be prompted to change the password and provide new security question and answer.
- You are requested to keep your user id / password in a secured manner.
- It should not be shared with any other entity.
- The password should be changed periodically.
- ITD or NSDL will not be responsible for misuse of your user id / password.
Happy viewing your Tax Credit Statement.
On behalf of Tax Information Network of the Income Tax Department
Caution: Income Tax Department does not send e-mails regarding refunds and does not seek any taxpayer information like user name, password, details of ATM, bank accounts, credit cards, etc. Taxpayers are advised not to part with such information on the basis of emails.
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