Friday, November 20, 2009

You tell us what you want to know

Dear Kundapur Govardhana Kini,

We have much to say, but there are only so many days in a week. In this regard, we stumbled upon a simple but clear thought - that we send all these emails to our customers; we also receive feedback that they like them; but shouldn't we have a calendar to which we can adhere?

Now this mail is precisely about this aspect. Accordingly, we feel that the best thing to do is to propose a plan to you i.e. what kind of mail should reach you at what frequency. Once you respond with your views, we will simply consolidate the views and marry them together to create an optimum and practical plan.

Now you tell us what you think of this plan. The plan is as follows:

Every Friday, we shall continue to send you the 'Weekly Equity Pulse' which is a


clickable e-magazine that gives you our research recommendations for the week. It also contains articles that enable learning. To view a recent sample, click here

Once a quarter i.e. once every 3 months we will mail you a 'quarterly round-up'


authored by our Executive Director, Anup Bagchi. He would tell you what all we have done for you (our customers) during the quarter. This we promise will not be a page where we blow our trumpet. Instead, we will simply tell you what's useful for you. Let's call this 'From the ED's desk'

  We will kick off the first one of these series very shortly.

At a certain periodicity (perhaps twice a month), we will mail you what we call

  'theme mailers', that will help you hone your skills as an investor. Click here to see a recent one that we had mailed you

Once a quarter, we would be keen to send you a mail that reminds you to

  donate to charity, if you so wish. A sample of such a mailer is here

Now, this one is the exciting one (which anyone would surely look forward to).

This mail will be about the scrips in your portfolio (yes, it's true! the scrips not in everybody's, but only in your portfolio!). So, if there is a development or action in a given scrip (in your portfolio) that can possibly impact it's price, then we will elaborate on the development, specifically to you

Then of course, everytime there is a significant development that has

happened, we will write to you. One example of this was the mailer on the entry load on mutual funds sent recently. To retrieve it, click here

Finally, we urge you look at the footnote of every mailer that you get. Here we


will insert a 'Did you know' fact or trivia, which can make a significant difference to your trading experience. These would be service related. Some examples are: 'Did you know how to place a stock alert?' or 'Did you know that there is a demo on futures and options on the site'?

We realise that everytime you engage with us on these emails, we are able to improve. That we value your feedback is not a mere sign off line. By now you would agree, this is true.

So, do provide your feedback at and help us customise our communication to you as per your need, instead of the other way round.

But we are not done yet....

Now, here is the happy piece of news of this year that we wish to report. That we have won the 'Outlook Money Best E-Brokerage award' yet again. We had won it last year, the year before that and.....

To cut a long story short, the banner that you see below this mail says that we have won each of the 5 Outlook Money Awards since inception (one year, the awards weren't conducted). Naturally, our customers i.e. you, make this happen for us each and every time. So, very humbly, we would like to thank you and congratulate you on winning us this award.

Thanking you,

With best regards

Ashish Kaul
Head - Marketing

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